Typical traditional stock window styles include bay, bow, single hung, double hung, sliding, picture and casement. However, not all residential windows fit into these narrow categories. If your home’s windows are an unusual shape, they would be considered Specialty Windows. Here’s what to know about before beginning your home’s replacement window project.
No home windows last forever – but if they’re well-made and well-installed, they can last for a very long time. Familiarizing yourself with the factors that play a role in how long your windows will last can help you choose windows that you’ll love for many years to come.
Did you know that exposure to natural light is good for your body, your brain and your emotional health? Natural daylight in your house can also be good for the environment and your utility bills! There are lots of reasons to let natural daylight into your house – and to install quality windows in your […]
Casement windows are a sensible and attractive window style for nearly any home on Long Island. With an easy-to-use turn crank, casement windows are simple to open and close, and can come with a range of grille patterns that look beautiful with any architectural style house. If you’re considering installing new windows for your home, […]
Owning a home with new windows can be a wonderful experience, especially if you’re replacing older windows that are inefficient, unattractive and difficult to use. So what happens when you replace old windows? Here’s a taste of what you can expect following your window replacement from Renewal by Andersen of Long Island.
Of course, everyone knows replacing old, drafty windows can lower your energy bills, but new windows can also improve your life in ways that you might find surprising. Knowing how new windows can improve your life can help you decide if new window installation is worth the investment. Here’s what you can expect when you […]
Typical replacement windows tend to be vulnerable to the elements, aging them in a short period and rendering them inefficient. For this, it is essential to look for replacement windows that come with features and ensure lasting performance.
It’s been a long time since homes were built with single pane windows. If your home’s windows are single paned, they could be 50 years old or older. Replacing your windows can have some surprising benefits! If you’re going to replacing your single pane windows soon, here are some of the unexpected benefits you can […]
When it comes to window replacement, no company or product performs like Renewal by Andersen of Long Island. Are you replacing your windows sometime in the coming year? Here’s what you need to know about Renewal by Andersen’s products and our company. #1. Enhance Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Windows that leak air and moisture put […]