When our New Jersey friends and neighbors ask us what style of replacement windows are best for their bathrooms, here at Renewal by Andersen, we ask lots of questions like the ones below before we answer. Will the window be installed inside a shower? Do you want an operable window above the tub? We generally […]
Part 1 Some homeowners associate window styles with aesthetic elements like colors and finishes, but the industry uses the term “style” to discuss the function and form of your replacement window. When we discuss various styles of windows and patio doors, we’re talking about whether a window opens, and if so, how. Style answers the […]
One of the main reasons people in New Jersey replace the windows in their home is to gain better energy efficiency and lower their utilities. Many things can directly and indirectly impact your heating and cooling bills and replacing your windows is one of the biggest, especially if they’re old and drafty. Installing replacement windows […]
The temperatures are soaring and the humidity level is oppressive in many parts of New Jersey, even though summer is just getting started. New Jersey residents are used to extreme spikes in temperature and the scorching summer sun; waiting for the next shower to cool things off. Even when summer cold fronts bring some relief, […]
In New Jersey, homeowners are looking for replacement windows that add value, comfort and measurable energy-efficiency benefits that put more money in their pocket at the end of the month. Cold, damp winters and hot, humid summers can really strain your budget if your home isn’t well-insulated and equipped with weather-tight windows and doors. Renewal […]
The cool fall weather is a great time to start on your home exterior projects. Maintenance or replacement projects can ensure your home is ready for the upcoming cold season. Renewal by Andersen® of Atlanta recommends you start with replacing your patio doors and windows in Atlanta, GA.
Your home is likely your largest and most important investment and your home’s windows are a critical part of that investment’s structure, functionality and therefore, value. Good windows can improve your home’s value and make your home more attractive, while sub-par window products can cause years of maintenance headaches and reduce your home’s value. At […]
Not so long ago, single pane windows were the standard product installed in all homes. Today, the best windows are made with dual pane windows and have become the industry standard. That said, perhaps you are not aware of how dual pane windows “work”, and how dual pane windows can benefit you and your home. […]
Love the look of your old picture window, but tired of all the maintenance? Is it not as energy efficient as newer insulated picture windows? You can avoid all the problems with your old picture window by replacing it with a new window featuring energy-efficient glass, low-maintenance materials for the window frame around the glazing, […]