The cost of living is skyrocketing. Fast-paced living demands us to spend in whatever we do and whenever we go. If you like to save on bills, you should start from your home. For instance, the exterior of your house serves as protection of your home against air infiltration and exfiltration. Fully functional facets of […]
Have you noticed that it’s starting to get hotter and hotter every year? Well, you’re not the only one. Last May was the hottest May in history and it looks as though that kind of heat is going to persist, especially with the on-going El Niño phenomenon. Here’s more information about that sweltering heat […]
Bushfires are very unpredictable and dangerous. They are hard to put out especially in warm and dry areas like San Francisco. The first thing to do when there is a bushfire near your home is to stay away from it because you might accidentally inhale too much smoke or worse, carbon monoxide poisoning. Here […]
Summer is always the most awaited season because it means vacationing on the beach, but now it is one of the most dreaded because the temperatures can range from unbearable to record-high. Because of climate change, it isn’t safe anymore to stay under the sun for prolonged periods of time because of health risks […]
Window inspections can be done by both commercial and residential property owners in San Francisco but they always should look beyond the glass, as the structure supporting it is just as vital. Just because the glass isn’t cracked, it doesn’t mean that the window won’t need to be repaired or replaced.
Contractors and homeowners alike are considering sustainable materials for a larger part of their projects. From siding made of composite materials to Smart Glass windows, professionals are seeking to make a big impact in the home and a tiny dent in the environment.
New windows and doors are great to look at, easier to operate, and can give your home a whole new look. But did you know they can also help reduce your monthly energy bills by 30% or more?
KEEP THE COLD OUT THIS WINTER Get a 20% DISCOUNT when you purchase and install Renewal by Andersen replacement windows in Colorado Springs
There’s no space more personal than the bedroom. Aside from containing most of the valuable things you hold close to you, it’s also the one place in your home where you can let your guard down and just be yourself. For this reason, you’ll want the space to be as lovely and comfortable as possible […]