A window in good condition can last 20 years. Proper maintenance and care contribute to your windows’ condition. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to learn how to properly maintain your windows. In this article, doors and windows service contractor Renewal by Andersen® of Long Island will share five bad window maintenance habits you should stop today.
If you’re having new windows installed for your home, you have plenty of options to consider when it comes to brands. After all, there are plenty of good brands out there who can provide quality products for your home. But while it is true that there are good brands out there, you simply can’t go wrong with […]
Your consultation appointment with a window company offers a great opportunity to learn about the options suited to your needs. You may find it overwhelming to process all the information at once. But keep in mind that it’s okay to pause and ask for clarifications when you don’t understand something.
Many homeowners choose casement windows because they provide excellent ventilation, energy efficiency, and natural lighting. However, traditional casement window designs do present some challenges. In today’s post, the experts at Renewal by Andersen® of Cincinnati explain how they’ve combatted those issues.
If you are thinking about selling your home in the future, new and beautiful windows can definitely attract more potential buyers. A top-rated remodeling company shares here the top three window features you need to look for when sprucing up your home to appeal to the market.
Is it time to clean your windows already? Given how your windows are one of your home’s most visible design elements, it pays to always keep them clean and looking good. Fortunately, window cleaning is generally an easy task when you know which mistakes to avoid. Renewal by Andersen® of Atlanta, your top provider of […]
We understand that you may have great design ideas for your home. If you want to make your window ideas a reality, make sure you hire the right contractor.
What’s Your Replacement Window Cleaning Schedule? For many homeowners, cleaning the windows ranks right up there in popularity with unstopping a clogged toilet. It’s labor-intensive, can involve running back and forth dozens of times to get that last smudge off the exterior surface, and even requires athletic skills – such as climbing a ladder and […]
As we approach the middle of October, many of our friends and neighbors are thinking about updating their New Jersey or New York Metro home with Energy Star certified replacement windows and patio doors. Cold weather is ahead, and if you’ve decided this year you aren’t going to fight drafty corners or put up with […]