Want to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint? Get Replacement Windows in San Francisco

Renewal by Andersen of San Francisco

Contractors and homeowners alike are considering sustainable materials for a larger part of their projects. From siding made of composite materials to Smart Glass windows, professionals are seeking to make a big impact in the home and a tiny dent in the environment.

While many builders are gladly taking the challenge, some homeowners are a little hesitant due to the idea that green materials have a bigger price tag. However, they ought to be aware that on the contrary, ‘sustainable’ represents big savings. Indeed, the so-called “green design” continues to pervade the home improvement market.

“Green” or “sustainable building” aims to improve those metrics through changes to material selection, siting, energy efficiency, waste reduction, and indoor air quality, while creating healthy and efficient structures.

Many builders and building owners have worked to make their structures greener, caulking air leaks, adding insulation, and upgrading HVAC equipment with more efficient units. Over the last two decades, the field of building science has played an increasingly important role in improving energy efficiency. Best practices are now tested and evaluated, and rating systems such as LEED and Green Star provide a checklist for new construction to adhere to.

Meeting those standards has proven challenging for builders, but best practices include a super-insulated envelope, energy-recovery ventilation, high-performance windows and doors, and eliminating thermal bridging.

Spring is here and you are probably looking to start renovation projects. The question is what is the best place to start from? Replacement windows in San Francisco CA could be the answer because they are relatively less expensive compared with other major housing projects and they give a substantial ROI at the same time. Find out more at www.windowdoor.com and learn about Renewal by Andersen’s energy-saving window replacement technology called Fibrex.

With the growing demand for eco-friendly processes and materials, you can opt for replacement windows in San Francisco. Companies like Renewal by Andersen are leading the way in creating new and interesting ways to make home improvement more cost-effective – and of course, Mother Nature will appreciate the effort.


 (Article Excerpt and Image From ‘Sustainable’ Doesn’t Have to Cost More, sourceable.net, March 17, 2014)

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