Why You Should Consider Outdoor Shutters for Your Home

Does the outside of your house look, blah?  Have you tried new paint and it still didn’t make a difference you were hoping for?  Why not give your home a new look and enhance your windows at the same time, by adding shutters.

Shutters used to be extremely popular on houses.  There were used to block storms from blowing into homes, and later to protect the glass windows homeowners started to install.  Later, shutters became more of a decorative item that people installed on the outside of their homes to give it a little more character.

No matter if you install functional shutters you can use, or just ones for decoration, shutters will definitely change the look on the outside of your home.

Outdoor Shutters Enhance the Exterior

Outdoor shutters aren’t like a coat of paint.  They do make the house look better, but with a coat of paint the base look of the house itself still looks the same.

With shutters you aren’t just changing what the house looks like, you are changing the design of the house by adding to it.  Shutters have the ability to change a regular looking cottage into something you would see in the drawings of a fairytale book.  They can change plain outer walls into ones that are no longer flat and boring.

You can even purchase shutters that have designs punched into them to add an additional personality to the outside of your home.

Types of Outdoor Shutters You Can Install          

There are 3 mains styles of shutters, known as board and batten shutters, that you will be able to find.

  1. Original board and batten shutters are basically vertical boards of wood that are held together by smaller, horizontal boards of wood.  They are most often found on French and Spanish style houses.
  2. Crossbuck board and batten shutters are very similar to the original style.  Instead of the horizontal boards in the middle of the shutter though, there is an “X” that runs from the top horizontal board to the bottom horizontal board.
  3. “Z” board and batten shutters are just like the crossbuck shutters, but they only have one piece of wood that crosses from the top horizontal board to the bottom horizontal board.  Once put together, these three boards create the “Z” that this design of outdoor shutters gets its name from.
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