Autumn Decorating For Your Window Tables and Bay Windows

Autumn decorating in your bay window or on a table in front of a window allows you to take advantage of the natural light on your autumn display.  It also allows you to create a nice tribute to fall, that can be shown off to the people passing by outside.


In front of your windows is the ideal place to put potted, fall flowers.  These flowers add beauty and the colors of fall to your autumn decorations.  Being in front of the window helps the flowers out as well; because they will get their needed dose of sunlight to keep them growing all season.

Mums are the most popular fall flower to have displayed, but there are also some types of sunflowers that look good as well.

Pumpkins and Gourds

There are other plants you can include in your autumn decorating as well.  Items such as: miniature pumpkins, gourds, sunflower heads, and Indian corn.  All of these items create a good harvest theme and fall colors to any autumn decorating.

If you do choose to use these items, make sure you have a protective sheet down on your bay window or table.  These items are not fake and as they age indoors they will start to break down.  As they breakdown, the liquid will start to stain whatever they are sitting on.  Another idea is to place these items on decorative, autumn plates that can be washed when the season is over.

Use Décor that Allows Light Through

Having autumn decorations in front of the window gives you an added element that isn’t found in other locations of your home.  With placing decorations here, you can take advantage of the light coming in through the window, providing a backlight to illuminate your autumn decorations during the day.

To take full advantage of this, use decorations that are made of glass or are candle holders.  With the glass decorations, the light from outside will light them up during the day; and at night they will still retain their glassy beauty,

The candle holders are a real treat to place in front of windows.  Use candle holders that are made from stained glass or are figurines that have candles placed in them.  Common candle figurines during this season are ceramic pumpkins where you put a tea light inside to illuminate it.  During the day, these candle holders will be lit up from the light coming in from the window.  Then at night you can light the candles inside of these autumn decorations as well.

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