A Homeowner’s Guide to Successful Window Replacement – Part 2: Who’s Working on Your Window Replacement

Replacement windows are designed to showcase a range of features but they won’t be able to perform their best if they are not installed right. Fortunately, ensuring your replacements are installed properly is easy: you just have to make sure you work with a reputable contractor.

DIY vs Professional Installation

A lot of homeowners are attracted to the idea of DIY because they think of all the savings they’ll be raking in cutting out the professional from the equation. However, what many don’t realize is that employing a professional to do an installation offers great value for money. Sure, it’s going to cost more, but that added investment will pay for itself in terms of not just ensuring that your windows are installed right but also in letting you avoid hassles.


Replacing a window looks like a simple process but professionals only make it look so easy because they have been trained to do it. Armed with skills and experience in installing windows, a contractor will, of course, do easy work of a replacement. Those who don’t have the requisite skills and experience, however, will find that installing a window has its challenges, like taking longer to accomplish the task and not having the necessary tools and equipment to facilitate the installation process.

Sometimes, certain events will also occur beyond your control during a replacement but, thanks to their experience in the field, contractors will be more than capable of making contingencies and finding workarounds to solve the problem and give you what you want and need.

Looking to take advantage of warranties? Take note that manufacturers typically require certified contractors to install their products for warranty coverage to be valid.

Finding a Professional

There will be more than a handful of local contractors you can check out but go with one that has a great reputation for offering quality products and top-notch craftsmanship. Aside from ensuring the necessary licenses are in place, check out testimonials and referrals as well to help you get to know a contractor you’re interested in better.

Your window choice will also contribute toward determining whether or not your replacement project will be a success. Head on over to Part 3 to learn how to choose the right window replacement.

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