Clean Those Window Screens

It has probably been a year or longer since the last time you cleaned your window screens.  Dirty screens make your windows look dirty, even if they really aren’t.  So before you let another year go by, get those things off the house and get to work on them.

Screen Removal

For the best cleaning, window screens need to be removed from the window.  Once removed find a good spot on the lawn or driveway to clean them without them getting dirty again.

If your window screens are old and brittle, or are damaged now is the perfect time to replace them while you have them off the house.  Instead of going for the same screen that you had on before, try our TruScene Insect Screen.

With TruScene, you will be able to see through the screen better than your old screen.  They are lightweight, easy to remove for cleaning next year, and they are made with a stainless steel mesh that will hold up better than the material your old screens were made of.


Gently hit the screen with a towel or rag to get all of the loose dirt, dust and bugs off of them before you start using the water.  Getting the loose stuff off first will make scrubbing them much easier.  You can even use a vacuum attachment with a brush at the end to really get all of the loose dirt off.

Next, create a mixture of warm water and dish soap in a bucket.  Then take a brush that has a soft or medium bristle and dip it in this mixture to scrub the screen with it.  Don’t scrub so hard that it damages the screen, but firm enough that you get all of the stuck on dirt off.  Next rinse the soapy screens off with water.

Continue this process of scrubbing and rinsing until the rinse water runs clear off the screen.


Never wipe down a newly cleaned window screen with a towel.  The mesh in the screens can snag pieces of lint from the towel and you will end up having to do a quick clean of the screen again.  Instead, stand the screens up and lean them against the house to dry in the sun.  If you want them to dry quickly, take a towel and gently hit the screen to knock of all of the excess water.

Once dry, put the window screens back up and you are good again until next year.

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